Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quarter 1- Science

Cow Eye Lab

We were learning about the different part of the eye and what each part does. We got to disect a cow's eye in class. Afterwards we had to write a report on what we learned. Below in my Cow eye lab report. I did really well on it. We had alot of fun disecting the cow's eye. It was really cool and really gross at the same time.


In class we were learning about the different parts of the eye and how they work. After learning about the eye through doing papers and watching videos, we got to do something hands on. We had to prepare our selves for what we were about to encounter. We got to disect a cow's eye ball. We got to see the different parts of the eye through touch and taking things apart. It was really fun and cool.


The purpose of this activity was to take a hands on approch to learning. We got to learn through experience. It looked really disgusting at first, and it still does when I look at the pictures. But it was different and I learned alot.


I am one of those kinds of people that learned better by doing hands on things. I got to see exactly where everything is in and on the eye. This was the first real time I have ever disected anything. I also learned about safty precautions and things.

Learned more/differently

After we did the disecting we wrote a lab report on it. I don't think I could have learned more or differently by doing anything else. The preparation we did before by learning about the eye helped my learn alot. Doing the disection I learned alot. And also afterwards doing the lab report ad the test I learned alot.


This activity relates to my goal of getting good grades. This activity was fun. I learn alot when I have fun. I also learned alot and all the activites we did with this reinforced everything I learned.

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