Monday, May 26, 2008

Quarter 3 Technology


The activity for this quarter is our excel test. We took a like three excel test this quarter. I did really well on them. My grades on these test were in the high 90's. I didn't get a perfect score on them because there was always something the I was overlooking and missing on the test. But dispite the one mistake I made I did really good on them.


The purpose of these test was to make sure we were learning what we need to in class. It also was to test how much we knew and understood how to use the excel program. We had to prove to our teacher that we were capable of using excel for graphs, tables, and charts.

Learned more/differently

I could have leared more/ differently if I would have taken more notes. I also could have learned more if I would have paid more attention in class. I thought that inknew everything there was to know about excel but there were a few things I didn't kno. But most things I did know. I just had to remember them. These test were a good way to help me rememeber them.


This activity relates to my goals for this quarter. It was really easy to do so I got a really good grade on it. It relates to my other goal of being organized. Excel is a good way to keep large amounts of imformation organized. I can make charts, graphs, and tables in excel to organise my schedlue and things.

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